
Thursday 22 May 2014

ME clinic appointment 8

I had another appointment at the ME clinic last week and explained that I felt I had been pushing things too far. I wasn't sure how my therapist would react but she was very understanding and acknowledged that she had given me too much to focus on. She recognised that the cardio circuit was tough especially on top of work and looking after my little boy. So I've gone back to the walking with stretches on the days I am working and gentle yoga on the days I'm not. I think that will hopefully give me a baseline and if after a few weeks that's going ok then I can step it up again slightly.

I've been really knocked off with my hormones this month which has been frustrating and I stayed at my parents for a few days so my diet and routine has slipped. It's very noticeable when I stray away from the things that help me, like the healthy eating and the routines I have,  but sometimes it's worth the payback  ;)

Because my energy levels have been a bit lower and my brain fog has been bad, I've found it tough entertaining my four year old.  I'm always aware of the potential for him feeling lonely as an only child (I also have no siblings so have experienced it first hand!) I try to ensure on the days I am off work and he has no nursery, that he has contact with other kids. Today we went to this very cool kids cafe which has a play area for babies and preschoolers. The bonus is that there is a nursery nurse who watches them while you have a quiet coffee. Can you spot the theme!?

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