Monday, 5 August 2013

Keeping calm in a busy city

I've been pretty good with mindfulness and meditation over the last week. I downloaded an app which you can get some more info on from:  Basically its 10 minutes for 10 days. It's been very helpful. Also from today there is the new Deepak Chopra and Oprah 21 day meditation, this time focusing on relationships. I enjoyed the last one so am going to give this a bash.

Tomorrow I have an abdominal scan in relation to the haemachromatosis to check there is no organ damage. I'm sure it will be fine given that my iron levels are still low. The main worry is that I have no one to look after my little boy so I'm hoping he can occupy himself in the room for 30 minutes while the scan is done...

I have been doing pretty well on the healthy eating front. Last week, I made a few salads including smoked mackerel, apple and fennel with a yoghurt and lemon dressing which was very tasty. Yesterday I treated myself to a 'skinny' eggs benedict; muffin, a few asparagus spears, a poached egg with a drizzle of olive oil and some shavings of pecorino - yum!

At the moment the Edinburgh Festival is on so the city is extremely hectic for the next three weeks. Although at times it can be exhausting pushing through the crowds (especially when you are trying to get to work!) at the same time, it's great to get involved. This morning me and the boy are off to see Tiddler and other terrific tales. Apparently its sold out so I have high hopes for it!

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